In this “what have you done for me lately world”, we have all experienced the fickle nature of people. One day we are someone’s friend, the next we find ourselves on the outside looking in as we are no longer included, involved, or accepted.
This occurs even when we know we have done nothing to cause such a dramatic shift in our relationship or acquaintance.
On what Christ Followers celebrate as “Palm Sunday”, we see Jesus was no exception to this rule.
Having traveled throughout the region teaching, healing the sick, raising the dead and giving hope to the broken hearted, Jesus rides into Bethpage on His way to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem. This scene has always been surreal for me since a few days later He would be crucified.
This clearly portrays the “what have you done for me lately” nature of humanity.
I can only imagine the distress and disappointment felt by all those who had followed Jesus to this point. To see Him riding on a donkey and being celebrated to the shouts of “Hosanna, glory to God in the highest” was evidence of the fulfillment of prophecies for them. It was the culmination of everything they had seen in and heard from Jesus.
This simple display of honor for this man would have brought such joy to the many who were waiting for their Messiah. So, it is with people. When there is something to gain, everyone is all in. When there is a possible cost, most will shrink into the background hoping they will not be seen as having been associated with the person or persons who are paying the price for not following along with those in power. You see, the significance of this ride was the fulfillment of scripture. This was the same fulfillment that would lead to the sacrifice of the Lamb of God for the sins of the people. Having foretold of His impending death to His followers, Jesus surely was both elated and sadden as He rode into town. I believe the attitudes presented by those involved, point to the reality people are starving for a leader who will bring them relief from the burdens and disappointments of life. Here in this moment, Jesus did just that. But He did not stop there. He went on to give His life as that Lamb of God, not only for those people, but for you and me and all who would choose to believe in Him. Because of this. “What have you done lately”, has been replaced with "what He can do for you now".
To choose "what He can do for you now", as always is, up to us. My hope and prayer is you will find a way to see, accept and shout Hosanna, as you discover and celebrate Jesus as your King!!!
Zechariah 9:9, Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
