In a world where knowing the truth can be challenging, we can find ourselves looking for it in all the wrong places.
Growing up, there was a perception that we could discover the truth by watching the news. We were told we would get an unbiased perspective on the world and everything happening around us.
Today, though, we cannot agree on much. We can agree that the news is no longer the place to go to find the truth.
So, is there a place where we can go and hear the truth? If not, we will be hopelessly lost in a sea of opinions based solely on the likes and desires of one group or another.
Surely, we can agree that without the truth, there are consequences. The reality of “truth or consequences” is nothing new. What is new is the willingness to accept the consequences without demanding the truth.
In the past, there seemed to be a lot more skepticism than there is today regarding the opinions and criticisms we are regularly exposed to. I find this very interesting since we can access more information than ever.
Perhaps this is the problem. We see and hear so many views and opinions that we can no longer discern what is true.
I know I had to turn off much of the noise to hear. Since doing so, I have heard clearly that there is one source of truth I can rely on—the Word of God, the Bible.
Why? This is because the Bible is not biased toward today's issues. It only points to the truth that is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. It also points to the “truth or consequences” of not knowing and applying the truth to your life.
If you have not read the Bible because you are unwilling to believe in God, I would ask you to read it simply to see if the truth in its pages will not clear the confusion of the many truths espoused by the sources you are currently looking at or listening to.
If you do so with an open mind, you will not come away disappointed.
Our goal should be to think critically; if we read the Bible, we will find that it prompts us to do just that.
“Truth or consequences” are always right in front of us and the places we look for the truth will carry the most significant consequences.
My hope in writing this is to make the truth available to those who have decided they cannot go to the source of all truth to find it.
I know that if you read the Bible, you will not only find the truth, but you will find the source of all truth, which will lead you to a place where the consequences of the truth the world is spewing will give way to the reality that there is only one truth.
His name is Jesus, and that is the TRUTH!!
John 14:6,” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.