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Time Marches On

Writer: John WhiteheadJohn Whitehead

Most of us remember being children and thinking we would never grow up. The desire was to move time forward so we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. The desire to get out of the house and away from being told what to do by our parents and teachers was a motivating factor in the desire to move time forward faster.

The irony is as we age, we realize, “time marches on” whether we like it or not.  It often feels like a sudden shift from carefree childhood to the responsibilities of adulthood.

Many of us experience becoming parents and then grandparents. Before we knew it, the time we once longed for had slipped away, leaving us to ponder the past and yearn for the days when the future was all we had to anticipate.

“Time marches on” is a truth of epic proportion, and reaching the place where we wish we could slow time down or perhaps even get it back is something we will all face.

I know that in my life, I look at my children and wish to go back and spend more time loving them. I look at my grandchildren and know they won’t be children much longer.

Yet, I want to hold and love them like I did when they were little.

You see, we all want what is coming before it's time. By doing so, I am afraid we will miss out on the time at hand.

What would your life be like if you placed more value on today rather than thinking about and planning for tomorrow?

It certainly is worth considering because we cannot go back. Time does not move in that direction. So, as “time marches on,” we can embrace it or lament the past with a heavy heart and a downcast spirit.

Is there anything we can do to avoid seeing our past with sadness or a heart that longs for a chance to do it over again? Yes, we can look at each season of life as an opportunity to enjoy where we find ourselves now.

If we want to, we can make this time the best time of our lives. This does not mean we are as healthy and active as we once were. It just means we can see the blessings when they come, no matter the time or season.

“Time marches on”. Yes, it does, and the rhythm of the drumbeat will decide the cadence of our steps as we march along with time.

My goal is to high-step my way into glory, knowing I spent the time I was given the best way I could by loving those marching through time with me!

Ecclesiastes 3;1, "There is a time for every purpose under heaven".



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John presents his own storied past, struggles with drug and alcohol abuse, mistakes in business due to lack of role models, family history challenged by divorce, violence and abuse.

5730 Columbia Circle

West Palm Beach, Fl 33407

Phone: 1-561-863-8161

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