There are many times I have had the privilege of talking with someone about the issues that cause them to worry. These issues are as many and as varied as the people themselves. The one thing they all have in common is the weight they carry.
“The weight of worry” is real and the longer we carry it, the heavier it gets.
The question I ask is always the same. Why do you worry and what good does it do to carry it? The answer may be as simple as the consequences associated with worry and the fear of facing those consequences are too great to put it down.
Worry can be personal, financial and relational. If we are not careful “the weight of worry” can cause us to lose sleep and even lead us to poor health.
If all these things are true, then why worry? What good does it do? I suppose it really boils down to the need we all have to be in control which is truly ironic sense we really do not have control at all?
The truth in this statement is seen in the uncertainties of everyday life. Will the person stop at the stop sign, will the company I work for stay in business, will I remain healthy and on and on and on.
“The weight of worry” is something we carry willingly and the effects on us are real and growing with each passing day.
There is an alternative though. It was given to us be Jesus when He said, “Do not worry about your life”. Then, He goes on to talk about a litany of things we all worry about and yet He tells us not to worry about these things.
Why? Because He knew, His heavenly Father and ours will provide for all our needs. One thing I would like to assert here is He did not say He would provide for all our wants.
There is a difference.
If you are like me, you really have all you need. Our biggest problem is we do not have all we want. I believe this only adds to “the weight of worry” as we pursue, dream and compare what others have with what we have, and where we find ourselves.
Imagine if we had the perspective Jesus talked of where we did not worry about “what we would eat or drink or what we would wear”. What if we were not consumed with having the next best thing whatever that is? Maybe just maybe we would find” the weight of worry” would be lifted and the freedom that would follow would make us feel like we were walking on air.
It is possible. But it is up to each of us.
I will close by asking has worry ever done you any good. If your answer is no. Then why do it? Put down the weight and enjoy the ride!!
Matthew 6:34, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”.
