The use of deflection can be seen across every aspect of our culture. Our political leaders have become adept at using this art form to take responsibility away from themselves and place it on someone else.
However, this has not been limited to our political arena.
We see it played out time and time again as those who choose to create havoc and unrest deflect their role in the very issues they are railing against.
The Church too is not immune to “the art of deflection”. We see pastors and church leaders give in to temptation, only to deflect the cause as if they are not responsible.
In each case, deflection is seen as people refuse to accept personal responsibility and blame their problems on someone or something else.
Why is this so prevalent today? I believe it is a symptom of a larger problem. That problem is being dissatisfied and disgruntled with their own lives.
Dissatisfaction is at the root of deflection and is most always someone else’s fault. It is dissatisfaction that tells us we are all victims of circumstances beyond our control.
This is “the art of deflection” at its finest. It is often used and easily accepted because it makes us feel better and everything in today’s world hinges on how we feel.
If we are unhappy or if there is a problem, the problem must be rectified in a way that makes us happy. If our life is not as appealing as someone else’s, we should have what they have.
Once again, each of these statements requires us to deflect any likelihood we are contributors to the issues or problems we may be facing.
Although it would be nice if the world would change at our every whim, we all know this is not going to happen. This is where we should turn deflection into reflection and think about how we might change our lives and the effect that would have on our world.
Though it is not hard to consider this possibility, it is certainly hard to put this type of thinking into action.
To stem the tide and change the direction in which deflection is leading us, we must admit we are practicing “the art of deflection”. Until we are willing to do that, we will just continue to deflect our responsibility and the world will continue to be the source of our problems.
Even when we know at heart, we are the problem.
2 Timothy 4:3, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
