There is a time in our lives when we see things as “old, outdated and obsolete.” Things like music, clothing styles and cars are examples of where this occurs.
What I have discovered is the same thing can be said for people. In fact, the same can be said for you and me. Although, this is a new paradigm for me, if I am honest, I have felt this way about other people in the past.
It is a fascinating thing when the shoe is on the other foot.
In our world, there has always been this belief people are past their prime and have lived out their usefulness. We see in sports all the time as a great athlete suddenly loses a step. Even after years of being revered for their athletic prowess, they find themselves at the end of their careers and at the beginning of the next season of life.
This is a reality we all will face as we age.
In my own life, I have dealt with being considered “old, outdated and obsolete.” No one has said it, but it has occurred. When this happens, there is always the premise, communicated, this has nothing to do with you. Yet, you do not have to look far to see the evidence speaks for itself.
Though I may sound a bit jaded, it has actually made me more aware of my own attitude toward the value or lack thereof I see in others. It is always interesting how we do not see the effects of our attitudes and actions regarding others until we are faced with a similar attitude or action ourselves.
This is where life reveals a truth we cannot know until we are in the season where we are seen as “old, outdated and obsolete” ourselves.
It is a humbling experience, but it is one that we all will no doubt go through.
Here is where we learn our self-worth and value cannot be found in how others see in us. It can only be found in the truth; we were created on purpose for a purpose and then we must decide to live out that purpose until our time is done.
What can we say when we are seen as “old, outdated, and obsolete? I suppose we can’t really say anything. In my case, I have just decided to find my self-worth in my relationship with my Lord, my wife and those I love and know love me.
This is more than enough.
I will close by saying being, “old, outdated and obsolete” in the eyes of others does not make us this way in the eyes of our Lord. It also does not have to affect how we choose to see ourselves.
For all those unable to see the person instead of the brand or image they have created. The ones who fail to see someone's value is not diminished by time. I can only say, should you be blessed to live life, a day is coming when you too will be “old, outdated and obsolete”!
Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding.”

Is there a difference between outdated and irrelevance? Not in who we are or what we are doing but rather in how we are doing it? Balancing act for me is staying true to my values, calling and purpose while being effective in an ever changing world lead by many who find it hard to just walk and chew gum. The saying"they don't make em like they used to" is ringing in my ears😎.
So true John. Like Caleb we never truly retire (become obsolete) from serving the lord