I have come to realize; life is a pursuit. It starts as children as our hopes and dreams are of a future where we have all the things we desire.
From here we begin to plan and scheme to reach and accomplish those hopes and dreams.
The problem is life gets in the way sometimes and we slowly begin to realize we are not able to accomplish many of the things we set out to do. From here, if you are anything like me, instead of accepting this reality, we bear down and strive to overcome the barriers life puts in our path. We do this with a vengeance as if it is all that matters.
It is during times like these, we forget life is not just a pursuit. Life is an opportunity for living and living gives us the ability to enjoy the ride while we can.
Knowing life is fleeting can help us to realize this. Fortunately, or unfortunately, age is the great equalizer.
The key to changing our perspective is, “learning to live” and understanding the quality of life has nothing to do with what we have. The quality of life depends on who we are and how we choose to live it.
What if you knew your expiration date? Do you suppose your priorities would be the same?
I can’t speak for you, but I believe mine would be different. Does that mean I would not have lived my life as an all-out pursuit of the things of this world? I am not sure. But I am sure my emphasis would be completely different along the way.
I would be more focused on my Lord and others instead of myself. I would do this because as I get closer to the end of my life. I realize and understand, “learning to live” is an opportunity I cannot get back.
I know now, loving those I share life with, is so much more important than leaving them something after I am gone. Sadly, some may miss this, because they too are focused on accumulation of things instead of the quality living. They may never realize loving the people in our lives is the best we can give them.
As always, I will end with a question. Are you “learning to live”? Or are you living as if you have nothing to learn? In the end, your life will provide the answer. Hopefully it does so before it is too late!
James 4:13-17, “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.