It seems fear is a means to an end in our world today. Those in positions of presumed authority, our politicians and the media are all complicit as they prey on the emotions of people to achieve their goals.
How do we know this is true? We know it because we see it playing out in the many issues we are facing today. The results are devastating as anger has led to violence and destruction. Hatred too is being promoted and condoned as a justified response to perceived disparities and discrimination.
One of the most egregious examples is how they are using the covid-19 virus to persuade people they are not safe living their lives unless they follow the mandates and guidelines handed down by government officials. The results are clear and obvious as we see people clinging to things like mask and gloves for their security.
The fact is words matter and the words being used to describe our current situation brings no comfort to the hearer. Words like systemic, illegitimate, reimagine, spikes and super spreaders are commonplace and not clearly defined, which deepens the concern for some and causes confusion for others.
Regardless of your viewpoint, the reality is these issues are producing anger, anxiety, depression and uncertainty and the consequence is fear.
Unfortunately, this “consequence of fear” is purposeful and those engaging in this behavior refuse to relent. In fact, they seem intent on fostering this atmosphere of fear.
So, what can we do about it? How can we sift through the mountain of negativity without being overwhelmed by it?
I believe the answer is both simple and difficult. It is simple because we can choose to place our trust and faith in something other than the voices shouting at us from every direction. It is difficult because we must not allow ourselves to focus on the chaos ensuing all around us.
Where can we find the strength to overcome this “consequence of fear”. We can find it at the foot of the Cross. Jesus Himself reminds us “to be anxious for nothing”.
If we know Him as our Lord and Savior, then we must look to Him to relieve our fears and replace them with hope and joy. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus today, I would contend now is the time to consider refocusing your hearts and minds on the one who can provide you peace and calm in the middle of life’s storms.
As with who and what we watch and listen to, the choice is always ours. The consequences of those choices will either lead us to fear or faith. That choice is ours.
What will you choose?
Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
